When winter unleashes its fury on North Texas with a hard freeze, many homeowners find themselves facing a yard that looks more like a botanical casualty ward than the lush landscape they remember. At Fallas Landscape, we understand the unique challenges our climate...
Hey there! Now that the holiday decorations are coming down, let’s talk about getting your yard in shape for the new year. Don’t worry – these tasks are easier than your New Year’s resolutions, and they’ll set your landscape up for...
As the calendar turns and a new year begins, homeowners across North Texas have an exciting opportunity to reimagine their outdoor spaces. At Fallas Landscape, we understand that your yard is more than just a patch of ground—it’s an extension of your home, a...
Before winter arrives, it is important to learn how to protect your outdoor plants. Secure the plants in your garden to prevent the cold weather of winter from destroying your lovely garden creation. Mulching The first and most effective way of protecting outdoor...